Bend it so it doesn‘t break

Bend it so it doesn‘t break

Day 9 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #urdvadhanurasana #wheelyogapose #bridgepose. A #backbend that stimulates the nervous system and opens the heart. Bridge pose is a great alternative! Thanks to @kinoyoga @yogisoli @omstarsofficial @liquidoactive @solandselene...
Strengthen your back, shoulders and arms

Strengthen your back, shoulders and arms

Day 8 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #pinchamayurasana #forarmstand #peacockfeathers #yogapose. This pose strengthens the back, shoulders, and arms. It gives the neck, shoulders, chest, and belly a good stretch. It also improves balance and concentration. Let go of...
Tone and stretch your core muscles

Tone and stretch your core muscles

Day 6 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #chaturangadandasana #fourlimbedstaffpose #yogapose. It makes your wrists strong and more flexible. Muscles are built in your back, shoulders, and arms. Your core muscles are stretched and toned. A big thanks to @kinoyoga...
Side plank for everybody and every body

Side plank for everybody and every body

Day 5 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #vasisthasana #sideplank #yogapose. Different variations for everybody and every body ????Use this pose to strengthen your core, arms, wrists and legs and to improve your balance and concentration. One pose and so many benefits...