Grounding and rooting
Day 1 of #getstretchyeveryday challenge with this grounding, anchoring and calming #yogapose #vrksasana #treepose. Build a strong and stable fondation with your standing foot, anchoring through alll 4 corners of your foot into the nurishing #earth. Press evenly foot...
Be a mermaid
Day 2 of #YogaNSunshine challenge with #mermaid variation #ekapadarajakapotasana #yogapose to open up the #hip , stretch the #quadriceps and the #shoulders . A big thank you to my #photographer @nidyamiles. Also thank you to @nicolebest.yogamama @sunsetsnsunshine...
Strengthen your legs and your back
Day 1 of #YogaNSunshine challenge with #warrior1 #virabadrasana1 #yogapose. @nicolebest.yogamama @sunsetsnsunshine @jennwitaconis @pandasanchezzz @ashleyniccoleyoga @cute_n_quirky @rockmygypsysoulcrafts @poshwithtara @healthcoachmollyc #yogachallenge #yogatime...
Twist, drop and give me zen
Twist and restore your spine's natural range of motion. Twist and get rid of tensions.Drop worries and stress. Drop and give me zen. Day 12 of #onemillionyogischallenge with this last lovely, restorative, grouding and calming #yogapose #parivrttabalasana...
Release tensions in your hips
Day 11 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #supported pigeon #yogapose #ekapadarajakapotasana . A yummy #yin yoga posture that provides the external rotation and flexion that your hips need to remain agile; releases tension in your hips from sitting all day. Using props...
Bend it so it doesn‘t break
Day 9 of #onemillionyogischallenge with #urdvadhanurasana #wheelyogapose #bridgepose. A #backbend that stimulates the nervous system and opens the heart. Bridge pose is a great alternative! Thanks to @kinoyoga @yogisoli @omstarsofficial @liquidoactive @solandselene...