Take time to restore

Take time to restore

#restorativeyoga, #legs up the wall, a great #yogaposture posture to restore and relax your legs.You just need a wall ? You are not going to master the rest of your life on one day, take a few minutes to #relax, #rejuvenate and recharge your batteries ?It will help...
Bend, don’t break

Bend, don’t break

#camel #yogaposture #ustrasana a nice and gentle way to #backbend, to strengthen the muscles of the back, to stretch the entire front of the #body, the ankles, thighs and groins. But bend in a safe manner so you don’t break ?. #yoga #yogalover #yogalove...
Rest, digest and let go

Rest, digest and let go

Rest, digest and let go in #suptabaddhakonasana on warm volcanic stones ? #inhale and feel your belly rising, #exhale and feel your bell falling. Inhale let and exhale go. #letgo ?