Day 1 of #getstretchyeveryday challenge with this grounding, anchoring and calming #yogapose #vrksasana #treepose.
Build a strong and stable fondation with your standing foot, anchoring through alll 4 corners of your foot into the nurishing #earth.
Press evenly foot into leg and leg into foot for stability.
Engage belly muscles, square your hips and broaden your collarbones and center your soft eyegaze.
Join your hands and #center yourself with the ease of your breath.
Feel #rooted and grounded where you are.
Repeat the #mantra: I am at home in my #body.
Thank you @actionjacquelyn and @getstretchy for this great #getstretchyeveryday challenge and for the great tutorial #yoga #yogapose #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogafun #yogachallenge #yogamom #yogalove